5 Tasks Managers Should Not Delegate?

5 Tasks Managers Should Not Delegate?

Usually all mangers are great Delegators but to be a successful manager you have to do some tasks by your hand! Cause no One can manage your Task better than your hands. As successful managers understand what should and what should not delegate.CBP Program
CBP Certified Business professional reported 5 Tasks Managers Should Not Delegate.
  1. Reviewing, retrieving or auditing employees confidential information: not only can employees retaliate against your company for allowing confidential information about their salary, family, health, history to be released, but other employees may treat the employees differently or adversely and compromise the team’s ability to work together. Access to employee’s information should be limited to yourself or someone at about the same level of responsibility and trust within the organization as yourself.
  2. Reviewing, retrieving or auditing company confidential information- company confidential information includes salaries, business plans, sources of resources, financial budget, secret recipes and the like. All items that if leaked could result in either competitor getting an advantage or entities opposed to the company taking harmful action including legal and political harmful action should be kept within the full control of you as the manager .
  3. Task delegated to you- if you have been assigned a specific task by a vice president or president of a company, then most likely they choose you for your skills, insight and ability to accomplish the task without hurting the organization.
  4. Setting goal and establishing a clear vision- in order for everyone within your organization to be focused on accomplishing the same goals, they need to have a clear vision with appropriate goals communicated to them.
  5. Human resources related employee evaluation and discipline-how you treat an employee at the time of interviewing, while they are working for you and when they are terminated, can have severe repercussions. An employee who feels violated, disrespected, or discriminated against can pose legal or ethical problems to an organization immediately or sometime after the offending event.
Cautiously and safety are important elements to organizations, but at the same time managers need to delegate to manage their responsibilities. To have the right balance, Managers have to take care to deputize and delegate right, trusted, and qualified employees. Consider priorities and manage your task based on it to get your job done.
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Six Reasons why managers should Delegate!

Six Reasons why managers should Delegate!

Six Reasons why managers should Delegate!
 Due to huge tasks and responsibilities, Managers should develop strategies to deputize and delegate missions and assignment to others. As Successful Managers always delegate.
CBP Certified Business Professional reported six reasons why managers should delegate.CBP logo
  1. One person cannot do it all: you are limited by the time and space allocated to you to accomplish tasks. One person usually has different or better skills sets than the other.
  2. Everyone does something better than the other: if you are wasting your best skills sets doing a job that does not require those best skills then you are most likely doing tasks that someone else should be doing !
  3. Delegating help you improve your employee’s performance: when you allow employees to do those things that you would normally do, you allow them to learn and practice skills that may serve you or your organization well in the near future.
  4. Delegation gives employees a sense of responsibilities, team work, and belonging: they realize that the trust and authority that has been bestowed upon them shows that they are valuable to the organization.
  5. Delegation allows you as manager to focus your attention, skills and resources on the critical items that you accept full responsibility for. The roll of manager can be stressful at some times. One way of preparing for these times is by keeping the tasks that you are personally responsible for at a minimum. Save you energy for the big decision.
  6. Your ability to delegate usually supports your ability to grow in your career: the better you get at delegating to accomplish small projects, then the more you will become at handing and delegating to accomplish larger projects.
At the same time be careful about who you are going to delegate. Choose the right person with the right skills and be attentive that not all tasks can be delegated.
Consider priorities and manage your task based on it to get your job done.
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7 Steps To Developing Career Capital

In 2007, Steve Martin was on the Charlie Rose show to talk about his memoir Born Standing Up. He talked about his rise in comedy, and Rose asked him for his advice to aspiring performers.

His response? “Nobody ever takes note of [my advice], because it’s not the answer they wanted to hear. What they want to hear is ‘Here’s how you get an agent, here’s how you write a script,’ . . . but I always say, ‘Be so good they can’t ignore you.’ ”
Cal Newport, an assistant professor of computer science at Georgetown, became intrigued by this notion, and set out to find out how people do just that. One of the concepts he lit upon, while writing his book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, is career capital.
“Career capital are...

A Little Push to Fly

Well, the thing which we are going to discuss is a rage of the day. The corporate professionals from all over the world are eager to learn more skills in the hope of their progress. It was very recently, I met the head of Authorized Training Providers center in London. Two men were present in the room already.  A bald man clad in a blue coat was chatting with the other. One I came to know was a media professional; and another was from a learning center. I greeted both of them as I entered the room. After a bit of formality, they began discussing the need of the professional Training Providers in today’s over the industrialized world.
The man by my side informed us that his company has a network of Track Learning Management System across the country. They had a history of some 25 years in the industry.   “The working professionals are very smart,” he said, “sometimes they need a little push to fly. We are proud to have helped thousands of such working professional build their great career.”
He took us to his learning centers where his staff was training the CBP Professionals. I came to know many new things about their business. They informed us about the range of short term and long term training they provide. To cut a long story short, they left no sector of the industry they don’t have course.

Importance of Soft Skills

CBP Certificate
Just a few days ago, I bumped into a training center that provides Professional Certification in Soft skills. A lot of people think it is okay to overlook the importance of the soft skills. They are obviously wrong. When we join a company we need to be a team player. In the time of globalization, the need of the working professionals with better soft skills is on a rise.
And as one of the trainers had told me: To be able to communicate clearly is even more important in such a multiculturalism of our time. The Corporate Training Certificate Programs from across the world flying to the famous centers to make sure that you speak in the most simple and lucid manner.
Take for an example, the English language itself has got different accents depending on the place of communication and the background of the speaker. As other trainers with really impressive and easy to understand communication skills emphasized on a need of brilliant soft skills in the important negotiations and deals, it is worth even more.
Meanwhile, focusing on the high scores in the academics is important, but one should lay an equal emphasis on the soft skills .After completion of your academics, you are going to be a responsible part of the team.