Six Reasons why managers should Delegate!

Six Reasons why managers should Delegate!

Six Reasons why managers should Delegate!
 Due to huge tasks and responsibilities, Managers should develop strategies to deputize and delegate missions and assignment to others. As Successful Managers always delegate.
CBP Certified Business Professional reported six reasons why managers should delegate.CBP logo
  1. One person cannot do it all: you are limited by the time and space allocated to you to accomplish tasks. One person usually has different or better skills sets than the other.
  2. Everyone does something better than the other: if you are wasting your best skills sets doing a job that does not require those best skills then you are most likely doing tasks that someone else should be doing !
  3. Delegating help you improve your employee’s performance: when you allow employees to do those things that you would normally do, you allow them to learn and practice skills that may serve you or your organization well in the near future.
  4. Delegation gives employees a sense of responsibilities, team work, and belonging: they realize that the trust and authority that has been bestowed upon them shows that they are valuable to the organization.
  5. Delegation allows you as manager to focus your attention, skills and resources on the critical items that you accept full responsibility for. The roll of manager can be stressful at some times. One way of preparing for these times is by keeping the tasks that you are personally responsible for at a minimum. Save you energy for the big decision.
  6. Your ability to delegate usually supports your ability to grow in your career: the better you get at delegating to accomplish small projects, then the more you will become at handing and delegating to accomplish larger projects.
At the same time be careful about who you are going to delegate. Choose the right person with the right skills and be attentive that not all tasks can be delegated.
Consider priorities and manage your task based on it to get your job done.
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