5 Tasks Managers Should Not Delegate?

5 Tasks Managers Should Not Delegate?

Usually all mangers are great Delegators but to be a successful manager you have to do some tasks by your hand! Cause no One can manage your Task better than your hands. As successful managers understand what should and what should not delegate.CBP Program
CBP Certified Business professional reported 5 Tasks Managers Should Not Delegate.
  1. Reviewing, retrieving or auditing employees confidential information: not only can employees retaliate against your company for allowing confidential information about their salary, family, health, history to be released, but other employees may treat the employees differently or adversely and compromise the team’s ability to work together. Access to employee’s information should be limited to yourself or someone at about the same level of responsibility and trust within the organization as yourself.
  2. Reviewing, retrieving or auditing company confidential information- company confidential information includes salaries, business plans, sources of resources, financial budget, secret recipes and the like. All items that if leaked could result in either competitor getting an advantage or entities opposed to the company taking harmful action including legal and political harmful action should be kept within the full control of you as the manager .
  3. Task delegated to you- if you have been assigned a specific task by a vice president or president of a company, then most likely they choose you for your skills, insight and ability to accomplish the task without hurting the organization.
  4. Setting goal and establishing a clear vision- in order for everyone within your organization to be focused on accomplishing the same goals, they need to have a clear vision with appropriate goals communicated to them.
  5. Human resources related employee evaluation and discipline-how you treat an employee at the time of interviewing, while they are working for you and when they are terminated, can have severe repercussions. An employee who feels violated, disrespected, or discriminated against can pose legal or ethical problems to an organization immediately or sometime after the offending event.
Cautiously and safety are important elements to organizations, but at the same time managers need to delegate to manage their responsibilities. To have the right balance, Managers have to take care to deputize and delegate right, trusted, and qualified employees. Consider priorities and manage your task based on it to get your job done.
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