Leadership Vs. Management

Leaders Manage
All effective leaders have developed good management practices. As such good management and effective leadership are essential to successfully accomplishing your goals. However, the difference between the two most be noted.

Management is focused on controlling resources
Leadership is focused on empowering people
Focused on structure
Focused on People
Manages people as employees
See people as part of the team
Not all managers lead
All effective leader manage
Mangers are focused on accomplishing a specific task
Leaders are focused on accomplishing a vison
Mangers have a short range perspective
Leaders have a long range perspective
Mangers plan, organize, direct, and control
Leaders inspire, motivate, and unleash team energy

Companies can have unlimited capital and the appropriate infrastructure, but in most cases, it is the talent of the company that makes things happen.
Treating employees as resources to be controlled stifles creativity and effects overall performance. Leaders on the other hand, see employees as part of the team and know that success can only be accomplished when every team member is motivated, empowered and willing to embrace their responsibilities. Companies that embrace leadership unlock their potential and experience innumerable benefits.
More topics you can find in Leadership book as part of the CBP – certified business professional program.

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