Conflict Resolution Management

Conflict Resolution Management
Conflict resolution is a discussion in which mutual satisfactory goals are reached. It may include negotiation, mediation and compromise.

1.     Clearly identify the problem.
2.    Face the problem! It’s not going to go away because you don’t talk about it; it will only get worse. Attack the problem, not the person.
3.    Explore each person’s perception of the problem. Share the responsibility of resolving your conflict. Don’t always leave it up to your colleague to bring up hard issues and solve them.
4.    Stick to the issue at hand. Don’t try to bring in past issues just to strengthen your argument.

5.    Practice effective communication Skills. Be open about your felling and encourage your colleague to do the same. Be aware of cultural differences.
6.    Use ’I’ message like, ‘I would like’ or ‘I feel…’ instead of ‘you’ message, like ‘You should have..’ , ‘You are…’ ‘I’ statements help the other person listen instead of responding defensively.
7.     Determine each person’s needs and try to come up with a “Win-Win” solution for all parties concerns.
8.    Take action! If you‘ve talked through an issue of conflict and have come to a solution, work together to make it happen.
More topics you can find in Business Etiquette as part of the CBP – certified business professional program.

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