How to develop positive attitude

How to develop positive attitude

Attitude is one of the main elements in becoming a successful sales professional. Someone may be successful at sales for a short period of time and then eventually lose interest in selling. This person may know his or her product and customer and use the right sales strategies, but not have the correct attitude towards sales. This almost always results in dissatisfied customers and lost sales opportunities.

 Enjoy selling
Remember the heart of sales is meeting people’s needs. Successful sales professionals enjoy making customers smile and exceeding customer’s expectations. We may have sales target and quotas, but successful sales professional are customer-focused not target-focused. Focus on serving your customers and meeting their needs and you will naturally achieve your sales targets and quotas.
It all beings with you enjoying what you do, and if this is in place, you will naturally demonstrate the right attitude towards selling. Think about it; when you are doing your most favorite thing, don’t you naturally smile, laugh and have the right attitude? In the same way, as you begin to enjoy selling and see it as an opportunity to make customers happy, you will develop the attitude needed to be a successful sales professional.
Additionally, there are three P’s that you should develop to be successful in sales:
·         Be positive: keep a positive attitude towards selling; never let one bad experience cause you to develop a negative mindset. Remember you may lose ten (10) customers before you gain a sale. So stay positive.
·         Be persistent: never give up in selling; sometimes you may have to open twenty (20) oysters before you find a pearl. Persistence is a key ingredient of every successful sales person.
·         Be naturally persuasive: use your personality and natural charisma to influence the buyer in the decision making process. People do not like be manipulated, so it is important that you be naturally persuasive.
More topics you can find in Sales as part of the CBP – certified business professional program.

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