What do you need to be an effective leader?

What do you need to be an effective leader?

CBP Certified Business Professional the world’s fastest growing and most widely recognized certification program for business professionals pointed three points at Leadership book.
To be an effective leader you should have the following:

  •  Clear Goal: to become an effective leader, you must have a clear goal to accomplish. The goal is something you believe in and feel passionate about. Whether it is parents leading their children or an executive leading a company, clear goals are required to begin the leadership process.
  • Training: all leaders require some form of training to become more effective. Many effective parents have researched, attended courses, and interacted with other parents to develop the important skills of leading a family. Training really means some form of assistance by someone or from some resource. true leaders are not afraid of being effective followers; many great leaders have gone through a period of mentoring with other leaders, before they themselves emerged as effective leaders.
  • Followers: leadership requires two parties: leaders and followers. Followers create leadership opportunities. Followers are created by circumstance, situation, and sometimes by position. Having a senior position does not necessary imply that your subordinates will become engaged followers. True followers believe in the vision of a leader and that the leader is capable of leading team to accomplish the vision.
With clear goals, the right training and willing followers, you are well on your way to becoming an effective leader. You will encounter many leadership opportunities through life’s challenges and in the workplace. This course will equip you with the framework and the skills to make your mark as a leader.
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